Monday, October 26, 2009

credit and credit

yes these days credit is supposed to be diffcult to have ... to see how much credit card offer everyone is receiving; I don't think so credit is badly place not unavailble. banks want to makes profits on high interest not really where they should. In fact the crisis is base on the fact they want to put more credit to everyone but don't take the risk and send it to others. But the idiot things is that they buy it themself from other banks and then get the risk in another form.

the use of crdit card should be only to make payements and the bill should be paid at the end of the month and very very short term financial accomodation. I can buy a new luxury car with my card I even have enough credit card credit to pay my mortgage I get 9 years ago . not the remaining all the amount I get when I buy my house. this is insane. using all the credit bank will give you to consomate is running direcly to a disaster

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